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We’d love to hear from you. We’re here to answer all your questions!


Let’s Connect

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to register for all the dates?

No, registration is only required for the Saturday 12:00 pm workshop session.

Where will the F.L.A.G. Conference be held?

The F.L.A.G. Conference will be held at Miracle Arena HQ – 10800 Weston Road, Woodbridge, On L4L 8L3

How will I be notified about information pertaining to the conference? (i.e promotions, speakers etc)

All announcements will be shared on our conference website, social media platforms and direct email for those who have registered.

Can children attend the F.L.A.G. Conference, and will childcare be available?

Child care will only be available on Friday night and on Sunday for both the 10:30 am & 5:00 pm service. There will be no child care provided on Thursday or Saturday.

If I have a change of plans and I am unable to make it, can I get a refund?

Refunds will only be available up until August 20, 2024.

Will there be payment plans available?

Yes, to secure your spot you will be required to make a deposit of $50 and then you will be contacted to set up your payment arrangements.